What I need to launch the website

In order to launch your own website on the Internet, you need the following elements:

  1. A website - ideally it should be prepared by a professional company that deals with website creation on a daily basis.  We encourage you to read our article https://www.awolg.pl/en/blog/1/how-much-does-it-cost-to-create-a-website

  2. Domain - that is the address of the website which users will type in in the browser. It is important that the owner of the domain is the owner of the website. An Internet domain can be purchased from many popular services. We recommend buying it from reliable providers.

  3. Hosting (WWW server) - that is a place where you can place the files of your website but not only.  A domain is attached to the web server by directing it to the DNS / IP address indicated by the hosting provider. After its correct assignment within the purchased server, you can create e-mail accounts on that server. There are at least several hosting options: from shared servers, through virtual servers (VPS) to dedicated servers. The choice of the appropriate server depends on the type of website to be created. While for simple websites or small shops the choice of shared hosting will be right, in the case of more complex e-commerce businesses such a solution will not work. Therefore, we recommend that you always consult with your website builder when choosing a hosting service.

  4. SSL certificate - it is worth mentioning it as a necessary element when creating a website. Such a certificate can be usually purchased from the same company where you buy the web server. The purpose of an SSL certificate is to encrypt the data sent between the user and the web server. It is also an important element in the context of regulations on personal data protection as well as it affects the positioning of the website in search results.


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